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A Renewable Energy provider in Indonesia that focusing their business to Utilize the Renewable Resources and make the environment more greener

Become a leading company in Renewable Energy.

Develop new energy from renewable resources in Indonesia to make a great contribution in CO2
Develop a company that is trusted, accountable,
professional and sustainable in service to customers.
Improve company products and services in the field of renewable energy competitively orientated in
environment to meet the global standards.

Biomass is renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals. Biomass continues to be an important fuel in many countries, especially for cooking and heating in developing countries. The use of biomass fuels for transportation and for electricity generation is increasing in many developed countries as a means of avoiding carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use.
Our Biomass Brochure

Palm Kernel Shell (PKS)
PKS has been attracting attention as raw material for biomass fuel in Japan, Thailand, Singapore and other countries. In year 2023, more than 4 Million Tons of PKS feedstock exported from Indonesia to Japan as fuel of Biomass Power Plants. Moreover, GGL certification is mandatory for PKS exported to Japan started from April 2024.
Collaborating with Takafuji Co., Ltd. And PT. Zapin Agro International as our exclusive partners in Palm Kernel Shell, we operated 4 stockpiles in Indonesia; Tanjung Buton- Riau, Pulau Bai – Bengkulu, Belitung- Babel and Pontianak – West Kalimantan with 3 of them are GGL certified.
Our Supply Capacity and PKS Specifications
Calorific Value
Foreign Material
Port Of Loading
:> 3,500 kcal/kg (NCV, ARB)
:< 22% (ARB)
:< 0.5%
:FOB (Export), CIF & Franco (Domestic)
:Tanjung Buton, Riau
Pulau Bai, Bengkulu
Tanjung Batu, Belitung
Wajok, West Kalimantan
Others (Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan)

PKS Source and Stockpile Location


PKS Processing Flow
We operating several stockpiles in Sumatra and Kalimantan to secure the stable and sustainable supply.
We provide FOB basis for export and CIF/Franco for Domestic customers.

Portfolio of PKS Shipment

Export 2021: 22,000 MT

Export 2024: 9.700 MT
(With PT. Zapin Agro Internasional )

Export 2021: 22,000 MT

Domestic 2022: 46,500 MT

Domestic 2023: 79.162 MT

Domestic 2024: 94.638 MT
Our Listed Customers Type
Our PKS Supply Strength
Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Charcoal has been used since earliest times for a large range of purposes including art and medicine, but by far its most important use has been as a metallurgical fuel. Charcoal is the traditional fuel of a blacksmith’s forge and other applications where an intense heat is required. Charcoal was also used historically as a source of black pigment by grinding it up. In this form charcoal was important to early chemists and was a constituent of formulas for mixtures such as Black Powder. Due to its high surface area, charcoal can be used as a filter, and as a catalyst or as an adsorbent.

Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal
PKS Charcoal is attracting attention as a raw material for activated carbon and briquettes due to its high calorific value and low moisture content when carbonized. Our main PKS carbonized products are available in the following qualities and quantities
Moisture Content : < 12%
Ash Content : < 5%
Volatile Matter : < 15%
Calorific Value : > 6,500 kcal/kg
Fixed Carbon : > 80%

Coconut Shell Charcoal
Coconut Shells Charcoal have long been used as raw materials for BBQ, SISHA and activated carbon. We can supply high quality carbonized coconut shells to such domestic and overseas customers.
Moisture Content : < 12%
Ash Content : < 3%
Volatile Matter : < 12%
Calorific Value : > 7,000 kcal/kg
Fixed Carbon : > 85%

Wood Charcoal
Hard Wood Charcoal mostly produced in traditional way using a furnace. Wood charcoal widely use for BBQ in many countries.
Moisture Content : < 10%
Ash Content : < 5%
Volatile Matter : < 20%
Calorific Value : > 6,000 kcal/kg
Fixed Carbon : > 80%
Wood chip is produced mainly from Rubber Tree that can easily found in Sumatra and Kalimantan. From the characteristic, price and availability of rubber tree, currently widely use as biomass material for woody type chip.

Calorific Value : > 3,000 kcal/kg
Moisture Content : < 40%
Wood Type : Rubber Tree
Chip Size : 5 ~ 50mm (upon customer request)
Factory Location

KBLI 16101 : Sawmill
KBLI 16105 : Wood Particles (Wood Chips)
Empty Fruit Bunch

Empty Fruit Bunch
EFB also discharged as a byproduct from palm mills like PKS, and currently used as fertilizer in palm plantations. Beside, EFB also attracting attention as a new biomass fuel after being crushed, dried, and processed into pellets. EFB is three times higher in emissions than PKS in the palm milling process, so it is attractive to process EFB as a new fuel.

Empty Fruit Bunch Pellet
We can provide business support for such new biomass fuels, including feasibility studies, preliminary investigations, procurement and transportation of EFB feedstock from the oil mills where they are produced. We can also provide experienced engineers and teams for construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of EFB processing plants.
Furthermore, we can also support sales activities to existing PKS clients in Japan.
Other Biomass Material

Torrefied PKS
Processing with relative low temperature (200 – 250ºC), we can provide torrefied PKS (or other materials) in small amount. The raw PKS without heat treatment still having moisture more than 15% and caloric value still relatively low (about 3,800 kcal/kg).

Wood Pellet
Wood pellets are the most common type of pellet fuel and made from sawdust and related industrial wastes from the milling of lumber, manufacture of wood products. They can be used as fuels for power generation, commercial or
residential heating, and cooking.

Palm fiber is a coarse fiber produced from empty palm fruit bunches after processed in palm oil mills. Palm fiber has high fiber content and is used as a raw material in the paper, particle board, and alternative fuel industries. In addition, the use of palm fiber also helps reduce palm waste and provide added value to the palm oil industry.
We Are Member Of

Persatuan Pengusaha Arang Kelapa Indonesia

Asosiasi Pengusaha Cangkang Sawit Indonesia

Asosiasi Energi Surya Indonesia

Masyarakat Energi Biomassa Indonesia
To contribute to the Indonesia government policy to achieve the target of renewable energy composition at 23% in year 2025 and 30% in year 2050 from whole energy source in Indonesia, we besides Biomass Energy Business, we also develop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Business. Indonesia with high irradiation intensity as located in equator and with mostly no natural and social disaster and with reasonable land prices are the interesting points for the Solar PV Power Plant location.
With certified team members that experiences on Solar PV Development, we are ready to support our customers, stakeholders to deploys their Green Energy policy through SOLAR PV utilizations on their facilities.
Download Prima Solar Company Profile
Click Here for more details of Solar PV Business
Solar PV Projects

One of the advantages of photovoltaic power generation is can be used in personal/small organization scale. The system can be applied from residences (housing), public facilities (university, hospital, public building) until Commercials and Industries (Factory, shopping center, industrial estate). We can provide services to our clients based on their cost management.

Indonesia government had committed to develop the renewable energy source and replace existing fossil bases power plant. Related regulation also to be revised and issued under related ministries. Photovoltaic Power Plant In large scale with relative lower investment cost compare to other Renewable Energy Power Plant (such as Wind Energy, Biomass Energy, etc.) to be expected to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy source in Indonesia. Some big company also have big intention to develop Photovoltaic Power Plant in Indonesia in order to support such commitment.
We are here to support our investor to develop photovoltaic project in Indonesia, especially Sumatra Region.
The following scope of our services and support :
Project Planning and Initiation
Land Survey
Feasibility Study and Budgeting
Engineering, Construction Management and Consultation
Communication and Negotiation with Stakeholders
Flexible Financial Models
Flexible Financial Models
Our customer can select the financial models based on their cost
management. From solar purchased base models to flexible performance base cost with almost Zero initial investment cost in customer side.
Sustainable Services and Supports
Sustainable Services and Supports
After services and support (including maintenance) of the system is the key to keep the endurance the system. Good Maintenance Practice with timely and precisely is
another key point of our customer satisfaction.
Reliable power generation system
Reliable power generation system
By providing 20 years performance guarantee, we encourage our
customers to utilize
solar based energy in their needs.
Qualified Team
Qualified Team
Qualified product without qualified team involved resulting in system failure. Our engineering and installation team have been
qualified by trusted 3rd parties. They are skilled and trained well to provide you our best services.
Our Solar PV Supply Strength

We can support our clients for : Market Research Feasibility Study Goverment Meeting Business Development Foreign Company Establihment Japanese Translation etc.

With high qualification and experienced of our team, we will support customer requirement including machine specification determination, equipment/system selection, Front to End Engineering Design, Installation and Commissioning. Experience in handling industrial machinery for Biomass material process such as wood pellet processing line, torrefaction processing eguipment and others. Our team can support client from early stage of investment such market research, raw material and supply chain investigation until commissioning, testing and operations. Feasibility Study Supply Chain and related stakeholder negotiation Location Survey and Determination Plant Layout Design Specification and Reguirement Determination Procurement Support Installation and Construction Testing and Commissioning Operations and Maintenance Manual Preparation

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- Office
- Jln. Bakti No.17 A-B, Marpoyan Damai, Pekanbaru-Riau, Indonesia 28292
- info@primasinergi.co.id
- (+62) 761 580 3343
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